So yestrday I got a cell phone! It is a Motorola Rival. It's purple, has a key board, and to call, the numbers are touch screen! And it has so much more! My dad brougt it to me after work. It is so cool! Well that's all I have to say for now, CYA!
Hey, I'm Bridgett and I am 14! It's summer right now, but when it's over im going to go to Highland High School as a freshman! I like to hang with friends, go to the mall and movies, shop, and take pictures. I love going to Sunsplash with my friends! haha ok :)
You are such a spoiled girl. I never had a cell phone when I was 12. Oh wait...they didn't have cell phones WAY back then. HA HA
What's the number you spoiled brat! Love ya! Joanne
Hey Bridgett!!! It's sooo awesome that you got a cell phone!!!!! And it's purple?!?!? Sweet!
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