Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Ok, so today i got a facebook! It is not much but I will have much more eventually! So if you have a facebook and you are not my friend yet, then send me a request! LOL! Oh, and I have farmville as well, my parents have one so I go on theirs to look and stuff. (My dads farm is sort of mine because he got tired of it so he gave it to me! Now I have two!)Anyway I have to go now.......


Hayley said...

hey!!! This is SWEET!!!! Haha i left you a gift in the little thingy. . . I love comments too! ;)

Bridgett said...

Thanks!!!! :)

Hayley said...


Bridgett said...

Yup. I haven't updated in soo long!

Hayley said...

Yeah well Happy Birthday! I have 1,000 things that Icould say about you. But I will name my top 13things that I like about you. (There all good, so there not nessisarily my top ones, but good ones:)
1. Your friendly
2. Your beautiful inside and out
3. You like to do whats right.
4. You wouldn't trade one of your friends for the world.
5. Your bold and brave
6. Your funny and you loove to hav fun!
7. Your a friend I can go to with anything
8. Your a friend I can trust with anything.
9. Your cool and know how to 'live it up'
10. You laugh at pretty much everything (which is cool=])
11. Your the perfect teenaged friend a girl could have.
12. Your very smart and creative. You always have ideas.
13. Your 13 now and I hope you have the best year of your life.

Luv always,

Bridgett said...

Why thank you! That is soo nice!